“Two Spot” The little horse that could…
Two Spot. The little horse that could… perform Pet Assisted Therapy (PAT). Two Spot is a miniature horse. Not a pony, but a miniature horse. She stands only 26 inches tall, weighs only 130 lbs, and is the apple of Debbie’s eye.
Debbie knew Two Spot when she was only a baby and often held her in her lap the first 6 months of her life.
Two Spot’s size and Debbie’s gentle guidance made her a natural for PAT. Debbie routinely takes the little horse to local nursing homes – to the delight of their residents. Two Spot has special permission to walk right in and visit with those who come out of their rooms to see her.
We all know that laughter is good medicine, but did you know the simple act of reaching out to stroke soft fur or using a brush to groom an animal can lower blood pressure, improve range of motion and strengthen weak muscles.
Sometimes it even helps sooth a child who is sad or helps teach the importance of humane treatment toward animals.
It gives us great pleasure to announce that Debbie and Two Spot will be volunteering their time and services on behalf of Creatures And Kids. They bring another dimension to the CKI therapy teams and prove therapy animals don’t have to be dogs! They can even be horses!
“As a child, I spent many hours in the barn laying on my horse’s back while my dad milked our cow and did other chores. It was our special time together.
Dad has been gone for years and I have missed him like crazy. Since Two Spot has come into my life, I feel a calm security that Dad and I are spending time together again. It is a joy that I thought had been lost.
Now, if Two Spot can help other people feel any kind of joy, it will add to my pleasure in life.”
– Debbie L