How You Can Help
You don’t have to have an animal to help and we are always looking for new members, volunteers, and donations!
Donations to CKI
We are a Non-Profit organization, and your donation is tax deductible. Confirmed IRS 501c-3 status May, 2002. Donations should be sent to the address below and made payable to Creatures And Kids, Inc.
Creatures And Kids, Inc.
P.O. Box 5011
Edmond, OK 73083-5011
Cash Donations
- Support TAI team with child or facility of your choice…$250.00
- Support TAI team Corporate 6 months…$500.00
- Support TAI team Corporate 1 year…$1,000.00
- Donation of Items… Give value $
- Donation of Cash… Give value $
Other Needs
We desperately need locations (especially indoors) where animals and handlers can train to pass therapy certification exams, improve their skills and hold public educational events / fundraisers.
Become a Voting member
- One person…$15.00
- Family of two…$30.00
- Patron for Life…$1,000.00
Become a Certified Therapeutic Animal Intervention (TAI) Team
Fees charged for team certification & insurance coverage. CGC (dogs only optional).
Note: Since fees are subject to changes beyond our control, please contact us for current rates.
We also need volunteers (even those without animals) to can help in the following areas.
Volunteers Needed:
- Animal / People Trainer
- Clerical
- Educator or Mentor
- Fundraiser
- Grant Writer
- Help at Events & Fundraisers
- Public Relations Person
- Public Speaker
- Solicit donations
- Spotter
- Helping Hands
- Spread the word about CKI
- Volunteer Recruiter / Phoning
- Writer or Editor
Contact us with any questions about becoming a member, volunteer or about donating to Creatures and Kids, Inc.