Autism & Therapy Animals: An Important Connection
We continue to be amazed at the human and animal connection.
Autism continues to be a major topic in the news, and Creatures and Kids continues to learn how therapy animals can play a major role for autistic children and adults.
This section of our site will be devoted to autism and therapy animals, including personal stories, videos and helpful links. We will continue to update this page, so check back often for new additions.
The “Basenji Miracle”
Joy was diagnosed with high functioning autism at age 7.
She has written a moving story about her dog, Goldie, and how she helps Joy cope and achieve new goals in life.
Click here to read her story Joy’s personal and heartwarming story.
© 2007 Joy – Edmond, Oklahoma Family Center for Autism
“The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy On a Child”
A research project by Jennifer M. Barol paired with a 20-minute narrated video that shows the researcher’s observations during therapy.
The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Autism Videos (5 in all). See the progress of young Zachary as he interacts with therapy dog Henry.
Links to helpful Autism websites in Oklahoma