Animal Certification
Therapy Certification isn’t limited just to dogs, and certification requirements vary depending on species.
Animals besides dogs, like cats and miniature horses, have just a big an impact on those that need a warming touch in times of need.
If you and your pet have what it takes to become certified, join the program by call us at 405-478-8550.
CKOC – Creatures and Kids Oklahoma Certification
Please see the Events Page for our next evaluation class date and location.
To receive the Creatures And Kids Certificate (CKOC), animals must pass all CKOC requirements test, which includes:
- Test Items 1 – 10 are the AKC Canine Good Citizenship requirements
- Test items 1 – 10 alternative test for other animals and some dogs is CKI’s Good Citizen Award (GCA) – used for animals that do not meet CGC requirements: Cat, Miniature Horse or Dog.
- Test Items 11 – 14 are CKI additional requirements
- Additional Rules for CKOC testing
- Passing items 1-14 qualifies team for insurance which is required for certification.
- Certification Fees Day of Test – Since fees are subject to changes beyond our control, please contact us for current rates.
- Encouragement
- Failures – Dismissals
GCA – Good Citizen Award Test Procedures – Items 1 – 10
The purpose of the Good Citizen Award is to assist people who want to utilize animals other than dogs in therapeutic situations. Dogs are also allowed to certify for GCA. Some reasons would be for medical exceptions and restrictions on level of certification not allowed by AKC. Please contact for those exceptions.
CGC – Canine Good Citizen Test Procedures – Items 1 – 10
The purpose of the Canine Good Citizen Program is to ensure that our favorite companion, the dog, can be a respected member of the community. To receive the CGC certificate, dogs take the 10 item Canine Good Citizen Test. Items on the test include:
Test Item 1: Accepting a friendly stranger
This test demonstrates that the dog will allow a friendly stranger to approach it and speak to the handler in a natural, everyday situation. The evaluator walks up to the dog and handler and greets the handler in a friendly manner, ignoring the dog.
The evaluator and handler shake hands and exchange pleasantries. The dog must show no sign of resentment or shyness, and must not break position or try to go to the evaluator.
Test Item 2: Sitting politely for petting
This test demonstrates that the dog will allow a friendly stranger to touch it while it is out with its handler. With the dog sitting at the handler’s side, to begin the exercise, the evaluator pets the dog on the head and body. The handler may talk to his or her dog throughout the exercise. The dog may stand in place as it is petted. The dog must not show shyness or resentment.
Test Item 3: Appearance and grooming
This practical test demonstrates that the dog will welcome being groomed and examined and will permit someone, such as a veterinarian, groomer or friend of the owner, to do so. It also demonstrates the owner’s care, concern and sense of responsibility.
The evaluator inspects the dog to determine if it is clean and groomed. The dog must appear to be in healthy condition (i.e., proper weight, clean, healthy and alert). The handler should supply the comb or brush commonly used on the dog. The evaluator then softly combs or brushes the dog, and in a natural manner, lightly examines the ears and gently picks up each front foot.
It is not necessary for the dog to hold a specific position during the examination, and the handler may talk to the dog, praise it and give encouragement throughout.
Test Item 4: Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)
This test demonstrates that the handler is in control of the dog. The dog may be on either side of the handler. The dog’s position should leave no doubt that the dog is attentive to the handler and is responding to the handler’s movements and changes of direction. The dog need not be perfectly aligned with the handler and need not sit when the handler stops.
The evaluator may use a pre-plotted course or may direct the handler/dog team by issuing instructions or commands. In either case, there should be a right turn, left turn, and an about turn with at least one stop in between and another at the end. The handler may talk to the dog along the way, praise the dog, or give commands in a normal tone of voice. The handler may sit the dog at the halts if desired.
Test Item 5: Walking through a crowd
This test demonstrates that the dog can move about politely in pedestrian traffic and is under control in public places. The dog and handler walk around and pass close to several people (at least three). The dog may show some interest in the strangers but should continue to walk with the handler, without evidence of over-exuberance, shyness or resentment. The handler may talk to the dog and encourage or praise the dog throughout the test. The dog should not jump on people in the crowd or strain on the leash.
Test Item 6: Sit and down on command – staying in place
This test demonstrates that the dog has training, will respond to the handler’s commands to sit and down and will remain in the place commanded by the handler (sit or down position, whichever the handler prefers).
Prior to this test, the dog’s leash is replaced with a line 20 feet long. The handler may take a reasonable amount of time and use more than one command to get the dog to sit and then down. The evaluator must determine if the dog has responded to the handler’s commands. The handler may not force the dog into position but may touch the dog to offer gentle guidance.
When instructed by the evaluator, the handler tells the dog to stay and walks forward the length of the line, turns and returns to the dog at a natural pace. The dog must remain in the place in which it was left (it may change position) until the evaluator instructs the handler to release the dog. The dog may be released from the front or the side.
Test Item 7: Coming when called
This test demonstrates that the dog will come when called by the handler. The handler will walk 10 feet from the dog, turn to face the dog, and call the dog. The handler may use encouragement to get the dog to come. Handlers may choose to tell dogs to “stay” or “wait” or they may simply walk away, giving no instructions to the dog.
Test Item 8: Reaction to another dog
This test demonstrates that the dog can behave politely around other dogs. Two handlers and their dogs approach each other from a distance of 20 to 30 feet, stop, shake hands and exchange pleasantries, and continue on for about 10 feet. The dogs should show no more than casual interest in each other. Neither dog should go to the other dog or its handler.
Test Item 9: Reaction to distraction
This test demonstrates that the dog is confident at all times when faced with common distracting situations. The evaluator will select and present two distractions. Examples of distractions include dropping a chair, rolling a crate dolly past the dog, having a jogger run in front of the dog, or dropping a crutch or cane.
The dog may express natural interest and curiosity and/or may appear slightly startled but should not panic, try to run away, show aggressiveness, or bark. The handler may talk to the dog and encourage or praise it throughout the exercise.
Test Item 10: Supervised separation
This test demonstrates that a dog can be left with a trusted person, if necessary, and will maintain training and good manners. Evaluators are encouraged to say something like, “Would you like me to watch your dog?” and then take hold of the dog’s leash. The owner will go out of sight for three minutes. The dog does not have to stay in position but should not continually bark, whine, or pace unnecessarily, or show anything stronger than mild agitation or nervousness.
Additional information for CKI’s – CKOC certification – Items 11 – 14
Test Item 11: Reaction to children and medical equipment loud noises.
The dog should be tested around children interacting and sporadic child-like behavior, (running, screaming and clumsy hugging) medical equipment, (such as a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, or other devices that person may be using) this would be done to evaluate an animals reactions to these common happenings.
Test Item 12: LEAVE IT.
The handler with the dog on a loose leash walks past food on the ground (placed or dropped within a distance of three feet) and, upon command, the dog should ignore the food.
This test demonstrates the dog’s confidence when exposed to people walking with an uneven gait, shuffling, breathing heavily, coughing, wheezing or other distractions which may be encountered in a facility.
Test Item 14: SAY HI and WAG A TAIL.
The CKI certified evaluator will test the willingness of each animal to visit a person and that the animal can be accessible for petting (i.e., small animals can be placed on a person’s lap or can be held, medium and larger animals can sit on a chair or stand close to the person to be easily reached). If at all possible animals that can display waging a tail or their body in some way.
Additional Rules for CKOC testing:
Collars & Leashes – Dogs must be tested on a buckle collar, or nylon combo collar. All other animals may use a flat cloth or nylon collar. Leash must be leather or nylon. Special Collars Allowed: Canny Collar, Haltie, Gentle Leader and Harness may be allowed in the early stages of certification/training or when the animal has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a regular collar.
Brushes & Combs – The owner/handler should bring animal’s brush or comb to the test for appearance and grooming.
Rabies Vaccinations – The owner/handler should bring written proof of rabies vaccines for GCA and CKOC certification only; veterinary’s name and phone number required. CGC teams are required to sign paper agreement that their dog has had all of its shots.
Good Citizen Award (GCA) – Requires 1 – 10. This test was created to certify all animals (horses, bunnies and many other animals). Dogs may go through this test also.
AKC’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) – Requires 1 – 10. This test was created in 1989 to encourage good behavior in public. Passing these 10 tests may allow your dog access to public places across the country. Note: no special collars will be allowed during the testing for CGC. Our qualified American Kennel Club evaluators, Penny Nichols, Debbie Lang or Cindy Clark, will issue CGC paperwork. Please visit the AKC web-site to verify your qualified AKC evaluator.
Creatures and Kids Certificate (CKOC) – Requires 1 – 10 and 11 – 14. To receive the Creatures and Kids Certificate, animals must pass all CKOC.
Volunteer Insurance (VIS) – This insurance is required to become a TAI team. These forms are provided in team packets, along with photo I. D. badges.
Veterinary Check (VC) – Additional form in the packet is to be completed by Veterinarian. This form will be required by CKI and kept on file yearly. New CKI badges will not be issued without this form. (Please make sure your VC form is complete and turned in with your other paperwork.)
Therapeutic Animal Interaction / Intervention (TAI) teams – CKI teams are known as Therapeutic Animal Interaction / Intervention (TAI) teams.
- All TAI teams are issued photo ID badges and given certificates in their packets for teams to present when visiting public facilities.
- We work with children, and we require our teams to be covered by Insurance and to go through an OSBI background check. These forms are provided in team packets, along with photo I. D. badges.
- A Therapeutic Certified Instructor (TCI) will evaluate and screen your animal.
Please call 405-478-8550 for current fees and for assistance to compete paperwork or questions.
Owners/handlers may use praise and encouragement throughout the test. The owner may pet the dog between exercises. Food and treats are not permitted during testing, nor is the use of toys, squeaky toys, etc. to get the dog to do something. We recognize that food and toys may provide valuable reinforcement or encouragement during the training process but these items should not be used during the test.
Exception: CKOC evaluation during item 14. Animals are offered a treat or food to see if the animal will be able to take it gently. This is done as part of the CKOC Creatures and People Skills (CPS) Exercise 1 – evaluation only.
Failures – Dismissals
Any dog that eliminates during testing must be marked failed. The only exception to this rule is that elimination is allowable in test Item 10, but only when test Item 10 is held outdoors.
Any dog that growls, snaps, bites, attacks, or attempts to attack a person or another dog is not a good citizen and must be dismissed from the test.